The Magnificent One's

From Chaos to Serenity

Annheete Oakley

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Ever wondered how the chaotic turbulence of youth transitions into the serene stability of adulthood? Our guest today takes us on a reflective journey, sharing their personal experiences and wisdom gained over the years. They discuss the transformation from a life lived for the future in their 20s, to one lived in the present in their 30s. Their insights into personal growth, increased mindfulness, and the understanding of control over one's actions offer a new perspective on growing older.

The second part of our conversation takes a deeper dive into the inner workings of personal motivations and the impact of our decisions on others. We explore the concept of focusing on positive energy instead of being drowned in negativity. Our guest highlights the importance of silent confidence and the realization that one's best efforts aren't for everyone else, but for oneself. This episode is a tribute to personal evolution, a guide to handling life's subtleties, and a manual to finding peace amidst chaos. If you're seeking wisdom on personal growth and understanding the complexities of human existence, this episode is a must-listen!

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Speaker 1:

Magnificent, magnificent, magnificent, magnificent, in honest reflection. In my 20s I was living for the future, so I didn't accept my present. I didn't live in the present, and that affected a lot of my relationships as well, because I was always thinking about 20 years down the line, 10 years down the line, 5 years down the line, and I wasn't in the now. So in my 30s, I can honestly say that I am present, and that's a plus in the grand scheme of everything else, because I can give myself and my energy to all the things that I actually deserve them, and I know now how to distinguish between the things that aren't worthy of my time. So 30 is a very beautiful number for me. To me it's a milestone number, because if this is the worst part of my human existence like this is supposed to be the most difficult part of my human existence then my future is extremely bright and all the things that I did in my 20s they led me to this point right now, and I think that there were lessons that I couldn't possibly have understood in my 20s, simply because I didn't have the life experience to do so, and now I can be humble in my thoughts that oh okay, well, if something isn't working out, I don't just pour my energy into trying to fix things. I will analyze the situation and go okay, is this something that I'm even capable of fixing? You know, like I had this conquering spirit in my 20s and in my 30s. Now my spirit is about okay, what is actually going on with the situation? Whatever the situation is Maybe mentally, maybe emotionally, maybe from a professional standpoint like what is the actual root cause of my situations? Say that someone's upset Am I going to just look at what's in front of me right now or am I going to analyze the situation and understand that there are, like most situations that deal with other human beings, they're nuanced and they're multi-layered, right, so I can't just come down with a hammer anymore Now. I have to take those things into account. So, 30s, 30s, 30s One of the biggest changes I've noticed is that I have a very silent confidence now that I didn't have before.

Speaker 1:

You know, I remember in my 20s I would have to say the things that I was going to do, and it's more rewarding when I just keep it to myself. And I know it's for me and not for everyone else, because in life you're always going to have haters and the haters. You know, sometimes we pour so much energy into drowning out the negativity that we forget to focus on the positivity, the positive things in our lives, the things that are going right. We could have one minor thing that's going wrong and we pour all of our energy to that right. We become hyper focused and so fixated on that one negative person or that one bad incident that happened. And now you know those things don't affect me.

Speaker 1:

Now is the era where the things that I was uncertain of before, those things, are put in the background and having the ability to say you know what? I can't control what people say, I can't control how people feel I can control my actions. I'm only in control of my actions and my best isn't for everyone else, my best is for me. That is the best thing that's ever happened in my 30s, because for me, my best was I had to beat everyone in my 20s. I had to conquer everything in my 20s.

Speaker 1:

In 30s, like, hey, take a step back. Why are you doing the things that you're doing? How is this going to affect others around you? What is going to be the impact of the decisions that you're going to make? That is 30. And 30 is just peace. The things that the turmoil and the chaos of 20, the 20s I don't think that everyone might go through that again the peace and the serenity of 30, it's almost like a reward. But I feel as though, had I not gone through the turbulent 20s, I wouldn't experience the peaceful 30s. So I'm thankful for those experiences as well.